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The Fatshionistas: Kirsty of Fatty Unbound Q&A


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I think plus size fashion/fatshion bloggers are such a wonderful resource for all women when it comes to accepting your body as is or experimenting more with fashion. Just seeing someone with a similar body to you – or a body that society tells you is wrong, and needs to be covered – playing around with fashion and taking risks, has certainly helped me to feel better about myself. 
While everyone is at different stages in their self-confidence, bloggers such as Kirsty of Fatty Unbound is 100% confident. Her incredible style and positive message led her to be interviewed by Cherry Healey for Cherry’s Body Dilemmas on BBC3, which brought the acceptance message to the mainstream. Her section comes around 25 minutes in, and it’s so refreshing to see her talk frankly about her experience as a fat woman.
Kirsty is a vintage and car boot sale addict, and loves a fashion bargain. Happily for us, she’s also a fan of Yours Clothing! I got to do a mini q&a with her, and here’s what she has to say:
You recently were featured on BBC3, talking about fat acceptance with Cherry Healey. How did you find the experience and what was the response like?

Thank you! Overall, it’s been a really good experience for me – it’s really opened my eyes up to how little fat acceptance talk there is in the media, and how important it is to have that dialogue out there. The amount of emails I’ve had has been really overwhelming, and it’s really hard to have to hear that so many people are facing oppression because of their bodies. 

What do you think of Yours Clothing? I know you’re a huge bargain hunter, and so are we!

I think Yours is great! It’s both reasonably priced and unlike most plus size brands, I think the quality is actually good – no charging £50 for a badly made top!

Do you have any favourite Yours items on the site?

I’m still in hyper shock that you’re stocking suspender tights! I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for a chance to own a pair of those. Other bits I like include these beauts: cropped chino trousers which would look great for a preppy look with a nice button up shirt, and this sheer top which I’ve been ogling for ages to pair with some skinny jeans and boots. 

What fashion advice would you give our lovely Yours customers?

Don’t listen to what anyone else tells you about what you can and can’t wear – wear the clothes that you feel comfortable and empowered in, and that make you feel good in your body. I don’t really follow fashion rules or trends because I find them wayyy too hard to keep up with, but I just try and have fun with clothes. 

You can keep up to date with Kirsty’s musings, advice and outfits at fattyunbound.blogspot.com.

Hope you have a fab weekend all,

Lauren xx