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How to wear a scarf this summer…


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Hi Ladies, It’s the Yours Clothing stylist here!!

During our weekly shoot this week we decided to inspire you all to carry your scarves come rain or shine by shooting a few possible ways of wearing them. Scarves are a great accessory, they are lightweight and a good value item to have handy all year round. I guess if the sun is shining outside you wouldn’t necessarily think of putting a scarf on, but they can be more useful than you think.

Scarves are a perfect holiday accessory! Make sure you put at least one in your suitcase this year, they are ideal for an in-expensive version of a sarong or kaftan, and they will have more than one use as you can use them all year round. With several ways of tying these around you, you can choose whether you wear it longer, shorter, or as a dress to cover up completely. They will even be great for carrying around in the evening as the sun goes down and you think you might need a cardie. A scarf is a great alternative to wrap around you as a shawl if you feel a bit chilly!



If you’re not venturing off on you Holidays this year, or just having a weekend away in England like myself, you will still have good use for a scarf! I carry a scarf everywhere with me! Personally, I like to use it as an accessory. Even if I’m not wearing it, I tie it around my bag. This not only looks great but also means I have easy access to my scarf without routing through my huge bag (my husband always tells me off for carrying more than I need). It’s a handy festival tip and has come in great use in the past for me. When you’re at a festival all day, it’s handy to sit on in the day time, and a lightweight item to put on at night when it gets chilly in England! They are also great at the coast as the weather can suddenly turn windy and this could protect you from a very sandy wind!


There are so many different print options, you could ensure your scarf compliments your swimsuits and fits in with all the latest trends. And at only £7.00 per scarf you can afford more than one. What a bargain!!


Top to bottom left to right: 48510, 49365, 48674, 49364, 49371, 49297, 49372, 49308

Enjoy your weekend ladies!




